What is the connection between physical and mental health?
6:00 PM18:00

What is the connection between physical and mental health?

Mental health is multidimensional and includes healthy-living, self-care, fitness, nutrition, diet, and spiritual practices. Wellness is an individual pursuit. Become your healthiest self by looking after your mental health, feeling good about yourself; coping with challenges; connecting with your community; having control and freedom; and having a sense of purpose and feeling valued.

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What are the causes and cures of stress?
6:00 PM18:00

What are the causes and cures of stress?

Stressors can be divided into those that arise from internal and those that are external and are emotionally induced such as time stress, anticipatory stress, situational stress, and encounter stress. The challenge is to minimize distress and maintain eustress. Learn how to take active steps to minimize undesirable stress in yourself.

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Cancer is a preventable disease.
6:00 PM18:00

Cancer is a preventable disease.

 Cancer is caused by both internal (inherited mutations, hormones, and immune conditions) and environmental/acquired factors (such as tobacco diet, radiation, and infectious organisms). Why do other cultures have a 25 times lower incidence of prostate cancer and ten times lower incidents of breast cancer than do residents of Western countries?

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What important advances in personalized integrative/complementary medicine affect me?
6:00 PM18:00

What important advances in personalized integrative/complementary medicine affect me?

The basic policy of integrative/complimentary medicine is multidisciplinary medicine and focuses on lifestyle, natural therapies, and natural herbs and supplements. Integrative/complimentary rebalance includes the five R’s: remove offending organisms through herbal medicines, replace digestive enzymes; reinoculated; and repair with right nutrients and re-energize with energy medicine techniques.

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How to Build a Health Life Style that Supports Remission from a Chronic Disease?
6:00 PM18:00

How to Build a Health Life Style that Supports Remission from a Chronic Disease?

Ask and answer these questions: How is my health? Is my lifestyle working? Develop a short list ‘I should’ questions and begin to look at your life in a new and different way. Begin a shift and a change.

Free to the Public


Denise A. Frer, EdD, HTCP, CH
Duke Integrative Health and Wellness Coach


This event takes virtually via Zoom.

Registration is required to attend via Zoom. This ensures the meeting link will be sent to your email.

Zoom is a popular web conferencing tool. No account is needed.

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Hypnosis: Medicine for the Mind, Body, & Spirit 5-Day Challenge
to Aug 18

Hypnosis: Medicine for the Mind, Body, & Spirit 5-Day Challenge

Join me each day on August 14-18 for a 5-Day exploration of hypnosis and its benefits to your body, mind, and spirit. The only requirement is to join my Facebook group. It’s called Dr. Frer's Integrative Health and Wellness Connection. Follow the link below and answer the questions in the group. The videos will be posted every morning for you to review at your convenience. 

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Meditation to Eliminate Effects from Drugs and Medical Treatment
6:00 PM18:00

Meditation to Eliminate Effects from Drugs and Medical Treatment

Health, Healing, and Hope Meditation Practice

with Dr. Denise Frer

Where: Each session takes place via Zoom.

When: Wednesday, August 9, 2023 @ 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM CST

Investment: Just $10 per session.

Embrace Health, Healing, and Hope: Join our Meditation to Eliminate Effects from Drugs and Medical Treatment

Are you seeking solace from the lingering effects of drugs or medical treatments? Allow me to guide you on a profound journey towards reclaiming your well-being and finding renewed hope through our specialized meditation practice.

What to Expect:

In this empowering meditation session, we will create a serene and nurturing space for individuals who have experienced the impact of drugs or medical interventions on their bodies and minds. My aim is to help you release accumulated stress, toxins, and negative energy resulting from medications or treatments.

A Supportive Community:

Join a compassionate and understanding community of individuals who share similar experiences, providing a safe space for healing and mutual support. Together, we will embark on a journey of self-empowerment and embrace the potential for a healthier, happier life.

Note: My"Meditation to Eliminate Effects from Drugs and Medical Treatment" is not intended to replace medical advice or treatment. It serves as a complementary practice to support your overall well-being. We recommend consulting with your healthcare provider for any medical concerns.

Take the first step towards healing and reclaiming your life by joining me for this transformative meditation experience. Register to reserve your spot, and feel free to invite others who may benefit from this practice. Together, let's cultivate health, healing, and hope on this profound journey of self-discovery and restoration.

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Demonstration of Energy Medicine Techniques to Alleviate Chemotherapy, Radiation, and Medicine Side Effects of Chronic Disease
6:00 PM18:00

Demonstration of Energy Medicine Techniques to Alleviate Chemotherapy, Radiation, and Medicine Side Effects of Chronic Disease

Your body is a cascading fountain of energy systems. Every person carries a distinguishing energy in every cell, organ, and system of the body. Illness shows up in your energies before it manifests in physical symptoms. Learn how to detect, connect with, interact with, and work in partnership with your energy systems. You will be learning how to see feel and influence your body’s health.

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